7 Ways to incorporate more plants in your diet

I am a big believer in listening to your body and doing what works for you as an individual. I myself follow a pescatarian diet with it being predominantly plant based.

I understand it can be a bit overwhelming and seem like transitioning to a more plant based diet is in the “too hard basket” however it can be easily achieved by making some easy swaps.


Mindset is everything

Working towards any new goal in life requires a positive mindset. Focus on all the positive outcomes that you will benefit from by including a more whole foods plant based diet. These will differ for each person and can include lowering blood cholesterol levels, losing weight, balancing blood sugar levels, general longevity (living a healthier and longer life), preventing disease and achieving better mental and physical function. Incorporating more plants into your diet also has lower environmental impacts which may also be a big benefit for your personal goals.

There are so many plant based alternative options available today that you won’t “miss out” on any of your favourite foods.

Start your new journey prepared - find some recipes here and write out your shopping list to set yourself up for a successful week.

Educate yourself on eating balanced meals

Eating more plants doesn’t mean eating less! It just means you need to ensure you are eating balanced meals which provide all the protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals your body needs. Please remember vegans may need supplements (particularly B12 and potentially iron) to ensure they are receiving all the required nutrients and should always seek advice from their GP.

Ensure to eat whole foods - not processed foods! These include whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables.

Different ways to eat more plants!

Small changes make big changes for the better. Whatever diet and lifestyle changes you choose to make will contribute towards living a healthier and longer life.

  • Meat free Mondays

  • Follow a pescatarian diet - exclude red meat and poultry. Include seafood, vegetables, fruit, dairy, eggs

  • Grab a buddy and keep accountable. Having a friend by your side can keep you on track, inspired and determined to continue your healthy lifestyle

  • Use every meal as an opportunity to fuel your body (see below)

Use every meal as an opportunity to fuel your body

  1. Add a variety of nuts (eg: almonds, walnuts, macadamia) and seeds (eg: hemp seeds, flax seeds, chia) to your salads, desserts, snacks.

  2. Ensure you are eating enough protein - good sources of protein include kidney beans, lentils, tofu chickpeas and quinoa

  3. Eat lots (five serves at least) of vegetables and collard greens such as spinach, kale, sweet potato and broccoli

  4. Have two serves of fruit a day - Mix this up to ensure you are having a variety of nutrients. If you struggle to eat two serves of fruit a day, a smoothie can be a great option to sneak these in.

  5. Legumes are your bestie - These are full of fibre, protein and nutrients.

  6. Eat a rainbow. Each meal should have a range of colours and food groups. You want to mix up your diet and not get stuck into a habit of eating the same meals each week. This is not only boring, but limits the range of nutrients you are fuelling your body with.

  7. Carbs are your friend - yes you read that right! There is a bad stigma around carbohydrates but don’t be fooled! Carbohydrates fuel your brain, they are also a source of energy which your body requires for physical activity. Eating enough carbohydrates maintains your bodies muscles and ensures they don’t waste away. Don’t let those sweaty sessions at the gym go to waste!


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